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Baby Food Chart by Age

As parents, we know what our babies like when it comes to food. We also make sure that the food we feed our babies not only tastes good but is also nutritious. Knowing what babies can and should eat at different stages of their development, especially within their first year, can help you better plan your baby’s diet for optimal nutrition and introduce them to a variety of flavors and tastes at the right time.

Knowing what your baby can and should eat during the first year is crucial as this period is characterized by the most significant changes, development, and growth. Therefore, feeding your baby a variety of healthy baby food at the appropriate times and starting good eating habits at a young age will help to establish positive, healthy eating routines for life.

Normal baby food chart by age (month by month): 

Breastfeeding and Formula Drinking:

For the first six months, most infants consume breast milk and/or formula primarily.

Newborn to 5-month baby food: 

Breast-feeding should be planned every two to three hours, including overnight, in the first few days after a baby's birth. The mother should respond to the infant's hunger cues quickly and calmly, while also providing a quiet and comfortable environment for herself and the baby. 

When breast milk is unavailable, standard infant formula is an acceptable substitute for most healthy full-term infants. 

At one month, expect your baby to feed up to eight times a day. Between three and five months, expect around six feedings a day.

6-to-12-month baby food:

Beginning at 6 months of age, you can start offering breast milk and/or formula in a cup. Do not offer your baby sugar-sweetened juice or beverages.  

Solid Food: 

Introduce solid foods when your baby is ready. This would typically be around six months of age. Solid baby food also depends on the baby’s development. You can identify whether your baby is ready to eat solid food:

  • when they can sit up on their own, 
  • when they reach out for things to put in their mouth, 
  • when they open their mouth as they see something coming, 
  • when they keep the food in their mouth rather than pushing it outward, 
  • when they use their tongue to push the food inwards, 
  • and when they turn their head to express that they do not want to eat something. 

How to start with solid baby food

You can start with a food choice of your preference. However, stick to one food for three to five days before introducing another one and make sure it is pureed. If your child exhibits an allergic reaction, which commonly includes rash, diarrhea, and vomiting, you will know which food is causing it. 

As your baby grows, you can transition from pureed to more texture-rich baby foods. This usually occurs between the ages of 8 and 10 months. Furthermore, at this stage, avoid feeding your baby anything that could pose a choking hazard.

As your child approaches their first birthday, they should be eating different foods and consuming approximately 115 grams of solids at each meal. 

Remember, the energy and nutrient content must be high in baby foods. Along with grains and potatoes, make sure your baby gets vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, a small amount of energy-rich oil or fat, and animal foods, including dairy, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry, every day. Eating a variety of foods every day ensures that your baby gets all of the nutrients they require.

To sum up, follow your intuition as a mommy or caregiver and the pointers in this article to help you decide what your baby needs at any point of their development, be it at a 6-month or 8-month benchmark, even less or more! Do not forget to consult with your pediatrician for further advice on baby food.

Make sure your babies have an environment that is conducive to growth, happiness, and, most essentially, health. Invest in baby care products that are sustainable while presently providing your little ones with the best care.





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