Baby’s Skin
For a baby, soft skin is a unique and essential shield that offers protection from the outside world—but it needs protection too. When you care for your baby’s skin, you also engage his senses, nurturing your bond and his healthy development.
Over a Century of Baby Skin Expertise
When you’re in the business of caring for the skin of millions of babies all over the world, it’s important to have a deep understanding of what makes baby skin so special.
For over 120 years (and counting) JOHNSON’S® has been pursuing scientific discoveries for baby skin care. We have helped advance 90% of publications on the subject, and have published more research on babies’ skin than any other global skin care company over the last five years. JOHNSON’S® was the first to study how infant skin develops from birth, evaluate products across different skin ethnicities and the first to develop the science that makes our products gentle enough to use near babies’ eyes (now known as NO MORE TEARS®).
The Science of Your Baby’s Skin
Your baby’s skin plays an important role in maintaining his health and in defending against irritants, germs and bacteria. Skin also regulates your baby's internal temperature and is a tool for exploring his world through touch.
Your baby’s skin is different than adult skin. It may look perfect, but it is very delicate so it needs extra-special protection and care throughout the first years of life. Compared to an adult’s skin, baby’s skin:
- Is about 20-30% thinner
- Has a greater tendency for dryness
- Is more prone to allergies and irritation
- Absorbs more moisture, but loses it faster
Because it is more delicate, baby skin needs more protection from environmental changes and harsh cleansers. So when caring for your little one, use a mild and gentle cleanser and moisturizer that are developed especially for babies like JOHNSON’S® baby HEAD-TO-TOE wash and JOHNSON’S® baby lotion.
Baby Science!
Did you know babies sweat less than adults? This affects their ability to reduce their own body temperature. So be careful when taking your little one out in the heat!
Whether you're cleansing your baby's skin or applying moisturizer, you're doing much more than just helping keep his skin healthy. These everyday rituals become more powerful when multiple senses, like smell and touch, are stimulated. Pleasant smells, when partnered with your loving touch, can create lasting memories your little one will remember for a lifetime.
Caring for Your Baby’s Skin
Tips for caring for your baby’s delicate skin
Moms around the world trust JOHNSON’S® to care for their babies
We are committed to working with moms, healthcare experts, and scientists to ensure our products continue achieving the highest standards in safety, quality, and care.